Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Baby Beckett!!!

So I have decided to start blogging in an attempt to keep family and friends updated on what is going on in our lives.  Most importantly what is going on in baby Becketts' life and how much he is growing! Here are a few highlights from the past few weeks.

Beckett Andrew Grogan was born on October 24th at 12:11 am.  He was 5 pounds 10 ounces and 18 1/2" tall!
We were very excited that Beckett came a bit early.  Not only were we ready to meet him but we were hoping he would come before Dad's big exam!
 Beckett was a bit Jaundice so the first few days of is life were spent hanging out on his bilibed.  If you cant tell by the picture he was enjoying his few days of tanning!
Dad and Beck hanging out on the couch!  It is amazing how much he has grown since this picture.
 This was the day he got his pictures taken.  Once I get them in I will post a few.  He was looking rather handsome this day! :) 
 Tummy time!
Here we are doing what we do best relaxing!