Hello everyone!! Just doing my April update. In no particular order below is an assortment of photos from this past month. Beckett will be six months in a few days. I cant believe it! Be on the look out for his six month professional pictures and an updated basket picture! So what has the Beckster been up to lately? His favorite thing to do right now is to get up on his knees and rock back and forth. He is really starting to get into it! He also loves to smile at the ladies and do long closed mouth grins. Basically he is a fun guy and we are enjoying him so much while his is still not mobile. Hope you enjoy the photos!!
Big Boy!
Scott turned 26 this year! Happy Birthday!!
He thinks he is pretty cute!
This picture makes my year. I literally just told him that I had decided to keep him. :) And this is the look that I got!
Dad was ready for Beck to go to bed. Beck was not so ready!
The bumbo!
The next few pictures I took on my phone. It was a weekend morning and the boy and I were hanging out in bed. My favorite times with him happen snuggled in the morning!
Baby Blues!
Happy Easter!
Now for the cat pictures! Hobbes is really starting to get brave.
And an out take. This is our declawed cat Baxter climbing a tree. He doesn't let anything hold him back!
See you in May!